Enjoy the Rhythm

Everything is fair in Love, War and Life
December 16, 2012, 3:11 pm
Filed under: Social

One of my colleague, Rajiv Gupta was in Gurgaon office and we were discussing about Devdutt Patnaik’s correlation of articles with Mythology. And the topic of discussion was on fairness in our system. And we were discussing that there is nothing called fairness or unfairness in our system or society. And I totally support it and I would like to put my thought in words.

I believe that a person should be aware about the result of the choice he/she makes in his/her life. And if he/she is fully conscious about the choice and possible outcome then whatever he/she does is ok. It may be unfair in the eyes of other people or some section of people but actually that don’t matter.

A terrorist killing innocent people. Is it fair or unfair? For some it is fair and for many it is unfair. The thing which matter is whether the person who committed this crime had done it in his full consciousness and considering the fact that he will hanged if got capture or will get killed by army/police. I believe many may would give second thought before joining such organization. And if one is still joining then its ok as society cannot do anything other than capturing or killing that person.

Even nature doesn’t know the difference between fairness or unfairness. When there is quake or tsunami or any other natural calamity, it doesn’t distinguish between fair and unfair nation or people. And we are so weak to ask fair/unfair question to nature.

I will go to the extent that even God don’t differentiate between fairness or unfairness. In Hindu mythology, if a demon worship lord, lord will give him blessing and boon. Now it is up to demon how he uses that boon and face the ultimate outcome or consequence.

When Lehman brothers was shut down, many excellent/extraordinary people lost their job. Was that fair? What did those people did? Did they crib or moved on? I believe they moved on. May be some joined another organizations and some became entrepreneur who did much better and became much more successful than what they were in LB.

In our daily life, when we are having informal discussion with our colleagues or our friends, many times we say “X person is not worthy of what he is getting/earning/famous. I am much better than him/her”. Many times when someone is getting more raise or more bonus we gets frustrated and complain “this is unfair. I deserve more that him/her”. May be yes but still it doesn’t justify as we don’t know the circumstances. And this is going to happen at each and every stage of our life and we need to accept it and not runaway from it. Only thing we can do from our side is to give our best and that too sincerely. That’s it.

Look at the world around you. Every where there is corruption and favors. High profile people getting away with the law. Criminal background people becoming politicians. Untalented people becoming actors only because of their family background. Rapes or murder or theft committed but no action. Sheer arrogance of money. So much pessimism and negativism around us. Still we have to move on. We have to do what best we can do and make our place better in future then what we have now.

There are lot of examples in our current life which we think is unfair. By this we are only ruining our own happiness. We need to do our job or our duty or our action what we think (or we want to do) is best at that point of time without thinking about fairness or unfairness. And Who cares about fairness or unfairness till the time one is ready to face any damn situation/result with brave heart.

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Whole Geeta is dedicated in our mythology to explain this concept, where it is told to accept the circumstances and proceed with your own Karma.
Problem is, sometimes, we find it difficult when situations are nor favourable and forget to take advantage of them fully when they are actually favourable; result of which is mostly we are adjusting ourselves rather than focussing on our goals/objectives.
Very simple example is how we behave in traffic jams, keep changing lanes and still feeling whatever lane we join is the slowest one. Moreover, I assure you, we don’t gain a lot by changing lanes, rather cause chaos and consume more fuel. But that’s human nature after all…

Comment by Abhishek Gupta

Anything is fair as long as it’s within the laws / rules / boundaries set by man / society / organization.

When you start breaking those boundaries, it’s treated as un-fair.
When a boon by god is misused by a demon means that he/she is breaking the boundaries set by god and hence they get punished for the same. When a terrorist starts killing people for no reason, its un-fair.

We may have numerours abilities but what matters in life is our choices and how we would like to use them.

Comment by Prashant Rajagopal

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